Monday, December 15, 2008

The Ultimate Troubleshooter v4.84

A staggering 65% of problems which a PC encounters, whether in business or at home, are not caused by hardware problems, they are not caused by viruses, they are not caused by spam; they are caused by background tasks.From PC lock-ups to illegal operations, Internet Explorer crashes, slow-downs, and more, Yes, a staggering 65% of problems are purely and simply down to what is running in the background on your PC. The trick to having a PC that runs smoothly most of the time, is to know which background tasks are good, which are not, and which are needed only sometimes. We do.
If you are familiar with our Task List pages, then our product, The Ultimate Troubleshooter, will be what you’ve been waiting for : the Task List on your PC, together with the tools to configure your PC the way that professionals do for trouble-free computing.
You probably already have a good antivirus program. Get The Ultimate Troubleshooter as the perfect partner to your antivirus program and enjoy trouble-free computing now and in the future.